Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I had two large events happen in the past few days, one good and one bad. On Sunday, my Grandma Joan Perritt died. She was a wonderful grandma and I love her so much and will miss her. I am sad that I can't make the funeral in Australia, but I got to spend a wonderful afternoon with her a few months ago. When I went to Sydney for my job interview in September, I spent an afternoon with Grandma and it was great. The last time I had seen her before that was so no good, she didn't even remember who I was (she had very advanced dementia). When I saw her in September she smiled and lit up when I walked into the room and held my hand when I sat next to her. She said, "oh what are you doing here, I am so happy you are here!" She told me she loved me and that I had the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. To which of course I replied, "good genes!" My grandma was a wonderful woman and I will miss her dearly.

The good event was that yesterday Brent and I finished our MBA's and I are done with school! It was so nice to turn in our final final last night and walk out of the classroom knowing we were completely done. We are excited! We won't be attending the graduation ceremony since we will be in Australia, but I am putting up a photo from our graduation from our first Master's degree - we would look the same in this graduation!


Christy said...

congrats on the MBA and sorry about your grandma

kris said...

Hey how is Australia? I want to know details! Are you close by that big fire at all? I tagged you on my blog- I hope your new job is well. Love you :)