Thursday, March 26, 2009

And I'm Back...

I have been in Australia for two months now and my computer has been broken for most of it. Still waiting on it to be fixed, but I just discovered today that I can access this from work - I thought for sure it would be a blocked site! There won't be any pictures, but I guess I'll see who reads these things and doesn't just look at the pictures :)
Canberra is an interesting city, it is very un-Australian in many ways, but it is growing on me and I am getting used to it. My cousin Luke and his wife live here so it is good to see them now and then. My Uncle Craig also works in Canberra a few days a week so that is nice too.
Brent arrived two weeks ago and it was a tough 6 weeks without him, it is sooo good to have him here finally! We were delaying his arrival since he was coming on a tourist visa and wanted to give the max amount of time we may need for his spouse visa to go through. We just got word the other day that his visa is approved so that is big news! Since we applied for it outside of Australia though, we have to leave the country to pick it up. Luckily we can pick it up at the Australian consulate in Auckland, NZ so we are making a little trip of it and will be there for a few days. Once we get that, Brent can look for a job and we can really get settled in.
I love my job with the Department of Veterans' Affairs, I am learning a lot and having a great time and am starting to see all the career opportunities I have here. Plus being a government employee has its perks (TONS of vacation time for one thing)!
I will update soon with pictures (when I take some, and when I ever get my computer back). Miss you all, come visit in the land down unda!