Sunday, November 16, 2008

Visiting the Fam in Utah

My little sister had surgery so I decided to go to Utah to help her out and visit the fam for a couple days. My mum came out too so not everyone was there, but a good chunk! My brother and sister in law and two gorgeous nieces live in Utah as well so it was a good time.

Claire Dressed up as Jazzercize girl

Me with the girls (post-cupcake)

I hadn't seen anyone for close to a year and a half so it was really nice to see them and I had fun. I helped Esther out at the hospital and at home, ran some errands on campus for her and otherwise just hung out and played with everyone.

Me and Mum and Me and Esther

My nieces, Josie and Claire, both had birthdays coming up so we had a little combined birthday party for them. I made Penguin cupcakes for them and they turned out pretty well. The girls were so excited for them all day. Josie helped me decorate them and she did a good job! All day Claire kept saying "time for cake? time for cake?" it was pretty funny.

The penguin cupcakes

Claire very excited about the cupcakes!


Bethany said...

the cupcakes are AWESOME!!

FOOD is MORE than... said...

You are so great at making cupcakes- i am impressed. :) And your nieces are so cute!When do you leave for Australia?

Jones Family said...

those little girls are so cute!