Monday, April 21, 2008


oops, a bit late!
Easter was definitely not the dawning of Spring in Leiden - we had snow! Crazy Dutch weather.

Brent and I had a nice, quiet Easter at home. We invited our friend Ken, an Australian we met back in January. He works for the ICC in Den Haag so I figured he would enjoy an authentic Aussie baked dinner.
I cooked up a wonderful roast leg of lamb, it was great if I do say so myself! It was interesting getting it in the first place: I went to the butcher and he didn't speak much English so I resorted to sounds and movements. I grabbed my leg and said, "baaa." We all laughed but it got the message across!

I also made mashed potatoes, veggies, gravy, bread, all sorts of appetizers, and delicious lemon squares and fruit salad for dessert. It was great!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh my gosh Laura. I can totally picture that scene at the butchers. It must have been hilarious. I demand a reenactment when we're there.