Saturday, November 29, 2008

5 Things...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Serving as School Spirit Commissioner
2. Going to plays in Ashland, OR
3. Enjoying long summers at the Beach House in Santa Barbara
4. Performing in Little Shop of Horrors as a do-op girl
5. Dreaming of going to college and leaving town!

5 things on my to-do list:
1. Figure out how to cook shark steak
2. Finish my homework
3. Submit Brent's visa application
4. Buy my plane ticket to Australia
5. Plan our New Year's bash in Philadelphia

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Pumpkin spice frappucino
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Popcorn
4. Brownies
5. Cheese and crackers

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off school loans and other debt
2. Buy a house
3. See the rest of the world
4. Invest
5. Start my own company

5 places I've lived:
1. Calgary, Canada
2. USA: California, Utah, Texas, New York, Florida
3. Europe: Austria, England, Switzerland, Netherlands
4. Bangkok, Thailand
5. Australia: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and soon Canberra

5 jobs I've had:
1. Math & Science tutor
2. BYU Alumni Association records specialist
3. Pacific Materials Lab assistant office manager
4. Utah State Historical Society architechtural preservation assistant
5. Project Manager at Global Human Rights Defence (Netherlands)

5 people I tag:
1. Bethany
2. Heidi
3. Christy
4. Starla
5. Gilly

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